Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tick Tock Tick Tock

“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.”
Napoleon Bonaparte

What a bad ass...

A great quote from a French Emperor that had it all and then lost it.  This reminds me of my father who always said, "do it now."  That phrase has been pounded in to my skull, yet I never listened to his advice.  Now I have Napoleon saying the same thing to me.   There will be a time to stop and smell the roses, but what good is there by sitting and pondering on a rock?  Our actions speak volumes while our thoughts stay within its bounds.  Ladies and gentlemen, the age of individualism is passing and the age of integration is rising.  We all can't look after our own self interests for the majority of the time, we have to establish our identity and move onwards to help our community.  Preservation of the human race depends on the preservation of our communities, our societies, not ourselves.  Yes, it is vital to find your identity, and it should be your first priority, but the greater goal for one's life is the life of others.

And so clock continues to tick, the gears continue to click, and the chimes will infinitely ring until time itself will destroy the keeper of time.  What can we keep from time?  Our struggle for existence.  If time will certainly mean the doom of humanity, then resisting the, perhaps, futile test of time is reason enough to live.  There is no nobility in ending your life because there is nothing else to struggle for, but there is greatness in the fight to defy death.  Live to prevail.

Another stream of conscious,

Dan Huh

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