Friday, December 25, 2009

Infinite Universe

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein that a good thing?

If the Universe is truly infinite, then imagine how far the human race can progress.  If we have the given ability to adapt to our surroundings, to understand and utilize what is given to us, imagine what we can achieve.  I'm pretty sure Einstein meant to be ironic, but I'll turn around his meaning of his statement.  If human stupidity is infinite, then human knowledge is infinite.  Since we have the capacity to be infinitely unreasonable, our capacity to be reasonable is comparable.  Why?  In the midst of confusion, of every stupid action, a truth will rise from the rubble.  Whether it may be a truth to our existence, a truth about a lie, a truth to our stupidity, we will learn from out mistakes.  Thus, we will infinitely learn from our mistakes because of humanity's nature to adapt.

Merry Christmas,


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