Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Viewer

Dear Viewers,

As part of my New Year's resolution, I would like to become more consistent with my blogging.  I would like to submit one blog post per week.  I have realized blog posts have contributed to my relaxation of conflicting issues I conjure within the walls of my skull and helps catalog my ideas, issues and epiphanies.  Overtime I have also received feedback from viewers commenting that my posts are interesting, to say the least, and so I will do my best to be consistent with my posts in order to keep regular viewers interested. 

I thank you all for viewing and those who have given me feedback.  I have always thought these posts were lost in the crevices of the internet, but knowing friends and stumblers have taken the time to read is encouraging.  I hope to continue this blog for as long as possible with complete honesty and transparency.  Thank you all for making this possible.

Yours truly,


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